daily fieldnotes

Getting Playful 3

Like many wonderful people out there who only manage to blog now and then, I am often asking myself why I don’t participate in the medium more often, considering how much I love it. Overthinking things is definitely part of it for me. Wanting every post to be more elaborated, have my best photos, be a piece of good writing. But isn’t the beauty of the blog partly that it can be a space for smaller things, for telling pieces of a story that little by little thread together over time? I am participating this month in Christina’s daily art project, and am loving how it has me getting more playful. Because really, what do we gain by overthinking things all the time? And what might we discover if we let ourselves be more playful?

So, I’m going to try it out on blogging too. I’ll see you back here soon!


  1. Megsie

    11/09/2011 at 9:47 pm

    I am so glad! I miss your words, and I want to hear all about how your pregnancy is going. I wish I could play along with the daily art. Instead I am trying to blog every day in November. I already failed at it twice, but I am not giving up yet.


  2. lizardek

    11/10/2011 at 1:38 pm

    Am very glad to see a post by you, any time you manage it! I’m posting every day this month (and who knows when the madness will end? No overthinking allowed, just do it! 🙂

  3. Cherry

    11/10/2011 at 7:51 pm

    Thanks Meg and Liz – you two totally inspire me with your commitment to posting every day this month. Makes me feel like maybe I can do it too, especially with the extra encouragement not to overthink it!


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