daily fieldnotes

February, 2011 archive

Rocks, Water, Sky 3

*Photos from last weekend’s trip to the Northern California coast, up to Salt Point State Park.

Weekend Away 2

We are going away this weekend, an escape to the rugged northern California coast. I’m looking forward to climbing rocks, hiking, hearing the ocean, being outside. I can’t wait to take pictures with our new lens. Most of all I’m looking forward to time with JJ, just us.

Pictures to follow!

In the Streets of Toledo 2

We got back a week ago, late Sunday night. The week quickly flooded us with the everyday of our lives in San Francisco. JJ with his worlds of new technologies, me with university days, dissertation, professors and scheduling meetings. It feels like a dream that we were in Toledo just a little over a week ago.

The power of high speed jet travel still surprises me, how far we can go in just one day. I grew up without traveling, except a few small car trips, mostly through school; I didn’t fly until I was 14. Now international travel is a permanent part of my life. It amazes me that my children will grow up traveling, will have two passports, will never know what it feels like to know nothing beyond 100 miles from their home.

My children. Oh how I wish they’d make their way into my life already!

*This last picture is the Alcazar, formerly a fortress, now housing the county library in one section. At the top of the corner tower there’s a cafe; the sweeping views of Toledo posted below were taken from here.