daily fieldnotes


Born Cherry Willow in the dry heat of a California summer, the fourth of six children. Raised eating sprouts, making dolls, sewing clothes, climbing on rooftops, and reading constantly. I now live in San Francisco with my Spanish husband and our baby boy Basil. An on-and-off blogger since 2007, I now post weekly, usually on Tuesdays. Daily Fieldnotes is a place to write and remember, to (be) inspire(d), to ignite creativity in my life.

I love comments of all kinds, and learning about others’ creative projects and writing; mostly I love connecting with other peoples’ stories through the world of blogging. So thank you for stopping by, please comment and share a link to your own blog!

Email: dailyfieldnotes{at}gmail{dot}com.

A note about photos: If you would like to use any of the photos or art on this blog, please contact me at the above email and ask permission. Thank you!


  1. Cynthia Newberry Martin

    08/11/2013 at 6:42 am

    So I have sometimes called you Cherry and sometimes Willow…what do you prefer?

    • Willow

      08/13/2013 at 3:37 pm

      I’ve sometimes gone by Cherry online, and it was my given first name, but in real life I’ve always gone by Willow (my given middle name).


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