daily fieldnotes

Hello. 3

I’ve been wanting to blog lately. Each time I post a comment on someone else’s blog, and it has a link to mine, I think ‘gosh, my last post was months ago’. But more than the typical guilty blogger feeling, I’ve been wanting to blog because I am writing, and taking pictures, all the time these days, and I want to share.

I am taking pictures of my Basil, every day. Capturing his expressions, his growing chubbiness, the way he looks at his dad at the end of the day like, ‘hey, you’re back!’. And I am writing about Basil, our time together, what it’s like to be his mom. How we sat this morning, in a strip of sunlight pouring through an open doorway, and felt the heat on our bare feet. How he stands already on my lap, and his legs flop a little like green beans, but he gets frustrated when I sit him down. How I settle him into the front carry, bundling up against the spring coastal winds, and we set off on an evening walk, up and down the hills around our house. And how I wanted to move so badly 6 months ago, and now with Basil here, I am falling in love with the possibilities of living where we do.

But mostly, my thesis writing fills every spare moment I have. I am writing about Barcelona, what I learned from the teachers there, about how immigration was transforming their daily lives. There is power in listening, really listening to someone talk for up to an hour, and that is what I did in my interviews with teachers. They told me their life stories, how they had grown up being punished for speaking Catalan, or feeling uncomfortable because they only spoke Spanish. How integrating or assimilating immigrants is a process of all of us changing, making a new society together. Or how integrating newcomers is about the immigrants changing, learning our language, because they are the ones who came here. Or how it’s really about basic respect, across divides of cultural difference, starting with learning to say ‘hello’ in each others’ languages. I am writing about all this, working on the second findings chapter of three, on track to finish by the end of July. If I keep at it.

So back to it, while Basil takes his morning nap. But I’ll see you here again soon.


  1. Megsie

    05/30/2012 at 12:47 pm

    OOOOoooo. I want to kiss those chubby cheeks! He is so darn cute!

    Your thesis sounds fascinating! I would totally LOVE to read more about it! I work with a LOT of immigrants. It would give me a great deal of insight. It was great to see a post from you. I am gearing up, but it is hard to post after so long.

  2. Sandi

    06/02/2012 at 8:17 pm

    Hi Cherry. I stumbled on your blog when I was looking for Annie Dillard’s essay “Schedules” that was mentioned in a book by Lee Gutkind called ‘Keep it Real’ – about writing creative non-fiction. I discovered Lee Gutkind on an audio lecture on creative non-fiction at Iowa Uni website. How I found this website I do not remember. And so the web story goes with me – I am always stumbling around. And unlike Hansel and Gretel I cannot leave a trail to find my way back.
    Well your blog is the first one I have happened upon that I would like to return to. You have such a lovely writing style and universal questions that many others would relate to. Hope you are going well with your thesis.
    I live just outside of Melbourne, Australia. I am a novice published writer and work for an agency as an assistant in childcare. Your baby looks beautiful.
    From Sandi

  3. Cynthia Newberry Martin

    07/01/2012 at 2:30 pm

    Basil is adorable! And so great to know you are writing away….


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